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Mysticism & Logic, by Bertrand Russell
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The first essay, which gives its title to the volume, endeavours to define the respective spheres of logic and mysticism. Bertrand Russell describes this and the four essays that follow as `entirely popular'. They are concerned with The Place of Science in a Liberal Education, A Free Man's Worship, and The Study of Mathematics.
The next five essays are `somewhat more technical', though written with the lucidity and power which distinguish all Bertrand Russell's work in its appeal to layman and professional alike. The Ultimate Constituents of Matter, On Scientific Method in Philosophy, The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics, and On the Notion of Cause are some of the subjects in this section.
`... perhaps the most graceful and polished unbending ever achieved by a follower of abstruse studies.'
--New Statesman
- Sales Rank: #5234107 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Spokesman Books
- Published on: 2007-09-30
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 7.50" h x 5.00" w x .50" l, .70 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 220 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
About the Author
Russell led the British "revolt against idealism" in the early 20th century. He is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein. He is widely held to be one of the 20th century's premier logicians. He co-authored, with A. N. Whitehead, Principia Mathematica, an attempt to ground mathematics on logic. His philosophical essay "On Denoting" has been considered a "paradigm of philosophy
Most helpful customer reviews
14 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Let us reject power from our hearts
While the essays on physics are rather outdated, Russell's sarcastic comments on the philosophy of Bergson, education, ethics or vegetarianism are still well worth reading.
Bergson's crucial idea of `durée' is an error: `Since the past has effects now, it must still exist in some sense. The mistake in this maxim consists in the supposition that causes `operate'. The belief that causes `operate', results from assimilating them to volitions.'
For B. Russell, `ethics is essentially a product of the gregarious instinct, that is to say, of the instinct to co-operate with those who are to form our own group against those who belong to other groups. Those who belong to our own group are good; those who belong to hostile groups are wicked,'
`The endeavor to teach virtue has led to the production of stunted and contorted hypocrites instead of full-grown human beings"
`Even vegetarians do not hesitate to save the life of a man in a fever, although in doing so they destroy the lives of many millions of microbes.'
Philosophy and man's place in the universe
`No heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; all the noonday brightness of human genius are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system. All these things are yet so nearly certain that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.'
These almost `lyrical' essays are a must read for all fans of the superb free mind of Bertrand Russell.
45 of 59 people found the following review helpful.
A contradictory sort of fellow
By Daniel Myers
Will Durant, in his congenial The Story of Philosophy, describes Bertrand Russell as "...resolved to be hard-headed because he knows he can not be."-This is a bit unfair, as it doesn't really take into account Russell's philosophy, merely the man. But the two are so hard to separate!-Basically, Russell believes that mysticism "is the inspirer of what is best in man." But that it is absolutely muddle-headed and has lead mankind down numerous philosophic blind alleys in the past thousand or so years (I think anyone who has read Kant or Hegel can't help but come to this conclusion).-University professors (especially those of Philosophy) are excepted from the previous parenthetical remark! -But I don't guess Russell (a Nobel prize winner in literature, by the way) matters so much anymore: This book I'm reviewing is out of print, nobody else has reviewed it and I haven't heard his name mentioned in highbrow discussions for many a year. He was a mathematical genius, wrote prose that could cut like a razor blade concerning the most abstruse subjects in a manner understandable to most laymen, and was a profound skeptic in re matters religious. This latter got him into all kinds of trouble with women's societies and the like back in the earlier part of the century and actually got him fired from the City College of New York. So he packed his bags and went to teach at Harvard.-You see, he was a British aristocrat (an Earl) and all this rabble rousing by the hoi polloi was really a non-issue for him. In his autobiography, he recounts how his mother always told him, "Never follow a crowd to do Evil." Russell never followed a crowd to do anything!-All this biographical elaboration is to help readers understand the man who wrote this book which, in a nutshell, praises the mystical impulse in its pure, unadulterated form while deploring the aforementioned philosophical muddles to which it leads, and, on the other hand, glorifies (justly) the English schools of empirical logic and the scientific progress to which they have lead. One can hardly look at this computer screen and deny this claim. All this in a lucid and thoroughly enjoyable prose. Yes, Russell has seen his days of celebrity come and go (as well as his days in general, one might add,) but if you chance by a wizened looking professor loaded down with heavyweight tomes on metaphysical systems, you might get a rather surprising response if you mention Bertie Russell. - In his day, Russell was the Mick Jagger of Philosophy, and coeds used to quarrel over who got to bed down with him that night when he came to lecture that the stuff a good proportion of their professors were teaching was, quite literally, nonsense.-And just think, he got away with it all! What fun!
12 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Missing Pages
By Daniel H. Reigle
I have not read all of the essays in this book yet, but the lead essay "Mysticism and Logic" has pages missing. There is a gap of probably two pages between the bottom of the first page in print, and the next page in print, which is numbered "4." Then pages 6 and 7 are missing. The rest of this essay appears to be present.
This book is printed from a scan of the copy in the Cornell University Library. I found an online copy of this book on Internet Archive, and it is missing the same pages in this essay. So the problem may be in the scan of the original in the Cornell library. Internet Archive has two other scans from different sources that appear to be complete.
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